Even at the level of learning advanced English, there is always something new to learn in the English language. You'll be able to retain your fluency and increase your English by using it often. Set goals for yourself and use them as an incentive to improve your Normal English to Advanced English. Here are a few effective ways to improve your English language command.
13 Effective Ways in Learning Advanced English
The effective way to elevate your proficiency to Advanced English is ‘Start living in English’. You don’t have to fly to an English Speaking country to do this. Yet living in an English-speaking country is beneficial in upgrading your Advanced English, as you will be surrounded by situations where you have to think, listen and speak in the English language. We can also set up this environment from the comfort of your home country by taking up the Spoken English Classes in Chennai.
Receptive Skills
In order to improve your command of a language, you should concentrate on both your receptive and productive skills. The receptive includes reading and listening in the language, whereas the productive skill is writing and speaking in the particular language. The below table will help you with improving your receptive skills.
I |
Change of Sources |
Familiarity with different accents |
II |
Tests with a Text |
Listening to podcasts |
Speed Reading |
Transcribing what you listen |
Reading Skills
1. Changing your resources
Students who read the same type of content repeatedly frequently experience a saturation in their reading abilities. Learning advanced English would demand you to read something new every time. Pick a newspaper you've never read before if you want to keep advancing your reading abilities. Pick a novel genre that is unfamiliar to you. You will come across more different languages and be more likely to learn anything new if you read write-ups of a wider range of writers and genres.
2. Take Self-tests with the Text
The next time you read a book for leisure or to pass your time, spend a few minutes reviewing it as if you were getting ready for a test. Act as though you must accurately recall all the text's most crucial details. Consider the types of questions that might be asked on the test, and then attempt to respond.
The questions may resemble those listed below.
- What does the phrase "out of practice" in the third line mean?
- The author raises the topic of completion. What action is she referring to as being completed?
- What is the text's major point?
Comprehending a passage or audio of an English conversation is also a part of IELTS modules. Enrol in the IELTS Coaching in Bangalore to practice more difficult levels and art the language of English.
3. Practice Speed Reading
How tolearn advanced English? is the most commonly asked question. The answer is simple, practice. It takes practice to read quickly, but you shouldn't try if you can't grasp what you're reading. While reading a passage from a book or other text, keep track of the time. 30 seconds of quick reading. Then, reread the paragraph to see if you missed any crucial information because of how quickly you read.
Practice reading at the same speed for more time if you think you missed something. When you can grasp practically everything, keep reading at the same pace (or maybe even a little slower). You can try reading the next paragraph a little bit faster if you can read the text without losing any important details. This will increase your speed over time.
Listening Skills
4. Get Familiar with Different Accents
Different places have varied dialects and accents, which makes learning any language difficult. Listening to an American may be quite comfortable for you, but what about an Australian or Northern Irish accent? Learning advanced English is also about accents.
You can learn the intricacies of various dialects and practise all varieties of English by using actual video or audio content from various areas that are meant for native speakers. Try working directly on your speaking abilities and enhancing intonation and pronunciation. Your ability to understand these accents better will come with repetition. Join the Best Spoken English Courses Online to gain exposure to different accents of the English language along with fluent speaking of the same.
5. Try out Podcasts
Your English language skills will advance if you listen to a podcast which is about a subject you are very knowledgeable about. Since you learnt about this subject before learning English, you will already be familiar with most of what they are discussing. Your enthusiasm for learning the language will increase; you'll discover a tonne of new vocabulary, widen your general knowledge, and enhance your listening comprehension.
6. Transcribe What You Hear
Try to accurately transcribe what you hear since this is one of the finest ways to assess your comprehension skills. Learning advanced English is one of the important areas to be worked on. When you transcribe, you put whatever you hear on paper. You can either write everything by hand or type everything on a computer, although writing by hand is far better for your memory.
By doing this activity, you may gauge how much of what you hear you understand. You will also discover whether that comprehension is founded on your actual grasp of specific phrases or only on the overall, general context.
Word-by-word transcription of everything you hear will help you see word patterns, words that connect other words, phrases that mix together, and unstressed syllables—all aspects of genuine spoken English that can be challenging for learners.
Productive Skills
The rest of the ways are to develop your productive skills, such as writing and speaking skills. Below is a table of paths to elevate from normal English to advanced English.
I |
Write for Different Audience |
Idioms and Expressions |
II |
Advanced Grammar Structure |
Improve in Pronunciation |
Learn New Vocabulary |
Practice |
Writing Skills
7. Ability to Write to Different Audiences
It's a good idea to practise using various registers, or degrees of formality, to keep your writing skills diverse and new. You should practise using registers though you don't typically need to utilise them. You never know when the skills will come in handy or be necessary.
8. Try Using Advanced Grammar Structures
Our everyday writing requirements are frequently restricted to texts and a few emails. We frequently learn grammar to an advanced degree, yet as soon as we quit studying, we immediately forget all those complex structures. After all, sending a fast text message to a friend does not require using numerous intricate language or grammar structures.
It is never meant that you should avoid using more complex grammar just because you do not need it in daily life. Try to recall some of the more complex grammar you have learned, such as the past, future, progressive, conditional expressions, and commands, the next time you write anything similar.
9. Learn to use New Vocabulary
Just like Grammar, vocabulary is also an answer to the question How to learn Advanced English? Vocabulary is important to make you sound more proficient in the language. You don't have to start employing a tonne of new words right away. Firstly, select a new word from your vocabulary that you wish to master and write it several times in various sentences. Secondly, extend your writing and add more complex synonyms to a few of the terms in each paragraph.
Remember the meaning of every new term you deploy in a sentence. Never use a synonym unless you are certain of its meaning and context. If not, your writing could come across as uncomfortable oddness or take on meaning you did not intend when you were writing.
Speaking Skills
10. Incorporate Idioms and Expressions
Every language's native speakers frequently utilise idioms and expressions in conversation. Making sure you also use them is one of the best approaches to learning advanced English and moving even closer to native speakers.
Make a list of five idioms that you want to employ each day. If you repeatedly use a few idioms for a couple of days or even a few weeks, then it's acceptable. Afterwards, set a challenge for yourself to identify the right times during the day to use them. The idea of doing this in your mind is possible, even if you spend the entire day at work speaking only your native language.
Consider joining the Spoken English Classes in Bangalore to gain excellent training in advanced English language speaking skills with idioms, expressions and pronunciations similar to the native speakers.
11. Work on your Pronunciation
Since you are at an advanced level, people can understand you rather quickly. It's time to work on your English accent now. Keep hearing the pronunciation of native speakers and friends who speak English more fluently and listen to when they are pronouncing words. Try to emulate this pronunciation when you hear it. If you want to improve your pronunciation, you should pay attention to the precise shape of your mouth and the exact positions of your tongue in order to progress.
12. Practice, Practice and Practice!
Even at the highest level of learning advanced English, mistakes are common. Even native speakers occasionally make mistakes in their speech. You will keep improving if you don't hesitate to ask your friends or language partners to correct you when you make mistakes. Know the demands of the language needs. Some skills are more important than others, depending on why you want to learn English and where you want to focus your efforts. Determine the abilities that are most important to you and focus on developing them first.
13. Record your speaking
Once you have achieved a level of proficiency in pronunciation, you might not be able to detect your own minor mistakes. You can catch mistakes in your speech and correct them by recording yourself speaking.
You'll have a history of how you've improved, which is a wonderful additional benefit. Listen to the difference between older audio and a new recording when you feel like you aren't improving. There is a high chance of getting surprised by your improvement.
Example Sentences of Normal English to Advanced English
Here are a few sentences in Normal English and Advanced English for you to understand the difference between both. Learn more of this from the IELTS Online Course.
1 |
I want to ask you a question. |
I want to pick your brain. |
2 |
I’m fit and healthy. |
I’m fit as a fiddle. |
3 |
He is so fat. |
He is big-boned. |
4 |
I am not sure about it. |
I am on the fence. |
5 |
I ate a balanced and healthy meal. |
I ate a square meal. |
6 |
I’m very busy. |
I’m swamped. |
7 |
Hurry up! We are getting late! |
Chop chop, we’re getting late! |
8 |
I am very happy. |
I am over the moon. |
9 |
I’m very tired. |
I’m worn out. |
10 |
Stop wasting time. |
Stop faffing around. |
Strengthen yourself with more similar content and gain fluency in the language. This can help you crack the IELTS examination to get your dream job abroad. Also, check out the 6 Tips to Improve your IELTS Score to crack the examination with high scores.
Benefits of Learning Advanced English
Just like the question, How to learn advanced English? The other commonly asked question is, Why do we have to learn advanced English? Speaking English at an intermediate level is highly impressive, whereas there are many more opportunities available to you if you can speak it at an advanced level. All aspects of life, including employment, travel, social gatherings, and academic goals, can be benefited from it.
Global Access to Jobs
The language of international business of top companies is English. This implies that having a strong command of English will open up job opportunities in the future. Additionally, your current employment environment may also present you with fresh opportunities.
You would have to participate in an English competency analysing round in a job interview for a position with a big or worldwide company. A strong vocabulary and fluid communication skills are needed to crack this interview round. International relocations are possible only with cracking the IELTS exam, which requires advanced English language skills.
English Exams and Accreditation
Cracking IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a major necessity for those who are willing to migrate to an English-speaking country for education or job reasons. Many nations, including Australia, the UK, and Canada, accept the IELTS exam. The TOEFL is accepted by 10,000 universities across 130 nations, including those in Canada, the UK, and Australia.
Ideally, you should enrol in IELTS Coaching in Chennai as it covers the exam modules you want to take and in order to adjust your learning objectives to this kind of English.
For the Future Technology
You can get ready for the future age by learning advanced English. This is due to English's dominance in a number of fields, including business, technology, and research. You will have a strong foundation in English technological vocabulary as a result of excelling in advanced English, which will enable you to comprehend more complicated and up-to-date concerns and themes.
You can start by reading English-language news, following technology blogs, and watching lectures on subjects that interest you to reach this goal. You can also follow the blogs of FITA Academy to improve your English language proficiency. They post blogs related to technology and the English language often.
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